I am getting this error:
USER crazytalk
[19:47:30] 331 User crazytalk OK. Password required
[19:47:30] PASS (hidden)
[19:47:30] 530 Login authentication failed
[19:47:30] Active Help: https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/51
[19:47:30] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
It works fine on my main ftp at site but when I created a new private ftp I cannot connect. It seems the password is wrong. I have checked site listed above and tried over and over with new users and passwords. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Kinda confused because it works fine on reg ftp at site.
USER crazytalk
[19:47:30] 331 User crazytalk OK. Password required
[19:47:30] PASS (hidden)
[19:47:30] 530 Login authentication failed
[19:47:30] Active Help: https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/51
[19:47:30] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
It works fine on my main ftp at site but when I created a new private ftp I cannot connect. It seems the password is wrong. I have checked site listed above and tried over and over with new users and passwords. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Kinda confused because it works fine on reg ftp at site.