upload resume problems

Hello everyone, I have just installed the demo version of smartftp. Its just what I am looking for (and will probably buy). The only thing I cannot get to work is the resume function of the upload of a file to my server. I usually have to send (once a week) a 650MB compacted file to my server. As you can appreciate if half the file uploads, interrupts and then resume does not work, I am in big trouble. I followed the tutorial and made the connection, put the file in the temporary queue pressed start and the file started uploading. 4 hours later it had transfered 63%. The connection was interrupted. When I reconnected to the server, it started from 0. Can anyone help please ?

Hello ..

Please post the log of the transfer queue item:
https://www.smartftp.com/support/kb/how- ... f2564.html


Hello ..

I'm sorry but I don't see any errors in the log. Is this the complete log?


yes. I am sure it is the complete log.
transfer queue - right click on file to upload - show log - right click - select all - right click - copy and the paste is below.

[09:51:20] Resolving host name ""
[09:51:20] Connecting to Port: 21
[09:51:20] Connected to
[09:51:20] 220 ashop Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
[09:51:20] USER amgaof42
[09:51:20] 331 Password required for amgaof42.
[09:51:20] PASS (hidden)
[09:51:20] 230-Benvenuti!
[09:51:20] 230 User amgaof42 logged in.
[09:51:20] SYST
[09:51:21] 215 Windows_NT version 5.0
[09:51:21] Detected Server Type: Windows NT
[09:51:21] FEAT
[09:51:21] 500 'FEAT': command not understood
[09:51:21] TYPE I
[09:51:21] 200 Type set to I.
[09:51:21] REST 0
[09:51:21] 350 Restarting at 0.
[09:51:21] PWD
[09:51:21] 257 "/amgaof42" is current directory.
[09:51:21] CWD /amgaof42/downloads
[09:51:21] 250 CWD command successful.
[09:51:21] PWD
[09:51:21] 257 "/amgaof42/downloads" is current directory.
[09:51:21] Remote file exist check: "AvidMediaComposer_PC_2.7.zip".
[09:51:21] SIZE AvidMediaComposer_PC_2.7.zip
[09:51:21] 213 381399040
[09:51:21] MDTM AvidMediaComposer_PC_2.7.zip
[09:51:21] 213 20070615155559
[09:51:21] Source File: Size=706553913, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2007-03-23T12:48:07, TimeFormat=Exact
[09:51:21] Destination File: Size=381399040, SizeUnit=Byte, Time=2007-06-15T15:55:59, TimeFormat=Exact
[09:51:21] No rule matched. Default Action="Overwrite".
[09:51:21] PASV
[09:51:21] 227 Entering Passive Mode (194,242,61,20,7,151).
[09:51:21] Opening data connection to Port: 1943
[09:51:21] STOR AvidMediaComposer_PC_2.7.zip
[09:51:21] 125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.

[09:51:21] 350 Restarting at 0. What does this mean ?
[09:51:21] No rule matched. Default Action="Overwrite". What doe this mean ?

Hope this helps

thanks again



Hello ..

I'm sorry but I don't see any errors in the log. Is this the complete log?


You need to adjust the File Exist Rules for the Transfer Queue in your favorite settings. When you are connect to the server click on the Properties/Favorite Properties icon in the toolbar. Then go to the Transfer -> File Exist dialog. Click on the Queue button. Then change the file exist rules. You either have to create a new rule or you can try to increase the Recent Time span.
