I've been trying to connect to a ftp adress, I only got in once, after that i kept getting the message " 257 "/" is current directory."
But i know there are files, I've tried alot, asked my friend, of whom the ftp im connecting to, is. He didn't know, my last chance is posting here. All the informations i fill in, like username, password,... They are all correct, I don't know much about this program, but i sure know that it's not possible that / is the only directory. I'm hoping that this gets fixed, 'cause my friend needs those files/folders, but they are to big to send with any other program.
Also when i logged into that ftp adress ( my only time, i ever got in ), my friend asked me to log out for a second, which i did, i logged back in and since then the / is current directory has been showing, no mather what i've tried.
I realy hope that someone knows how to fix it.
Thank you.
But i know there are files, I've tried alot, asked my friend, of whom the ftp im connecting to, is. He didn't know, my last chance is posting here. All the informations i fill in, like username, password,... They are all correct, I don't know much about this program, but i sure know that it's not possible that / is the only directory. I'm hoping that this gets fixed, 'cause my friend needs those files/folders, but they are to big to send with any other program.
Also when i logged into that ftp adress ( my only time, i ever got in ), my friend asked me to log out for a second, which i did, i logged back in and since then the / is current directory has been showing, no mather what i've tried.
I realy hope that someone knows how to fix it.
Thank you.