Within the last week I have been connecting to the server at work with no problem. a colleague of mine as well has been connecting with no problems but two days ago when I connected to the school server only one of my folders displayed (and this was not the root folder), but when I try and expand the one folder that displayed I kept getting a - List Command Failed - error message. I've sked the IT person at work and he seems to think its the FTP program but I think he is incorrect. The program worked fine a week ago and suddenly three of us can connect to the server at school, but get no access to our folders or worse yet they don't even apper anymore. What's someones take on this error message? Thanks
[06:31:11] 150 Opening data connection
[06:31:11] 72 bytes transferred. (4.39 KB/s) (16 ms)
[06:31:11] 226 Transfer complete
[06:31:15] CWD /Photoshop Class
[06:31:15] 250 Change directory ok
[06:31:15] PWD
[06:31:15] 257 "/Photoshop Class" is the current directory
[06:31:15] 200 Port command received
[06:31:15] LIST -aLT
[06:31:15] 150 Opening data connection
[06:31:15] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (16 ms)
[06:31:15] 550 List command failed
[06:31:11] 150 Opening data connection
[06:31:11] 72 bytes transferred. (4.39 KB/s) (16 ms)
[06:31:11] 226 Transfer complete
[06:31:15] CWD /Photoshop Class
[06:31:15] 250 Change directory ok
[06:31:15] PWD
[06:31:15] 257 "/Photoshop Class" is the current directory
[06:31:15] 200 Port command received
[06:31:15] LIST -aLT
[06:31:15] 150 Opening data connection
[06:31:15] 0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (16 ms)
[06:31:15] 550 List command failed