SFTP 2.0 Not Connecting to MY ISP

I am sending this from work, so some follow-up questions you may have for me may need to wait for me to answer until after l I get home.

I use SFTP at home. Win 2K op system; downloaded newer version SFTP Client 2.0, using Firefox (if that's relevant).

So, I now have the older version (version 1.5?) and the newer version on my home computer. The older version still works and connects fine to the ISP server (which is upload.comcast.net). Didn't make any changes in the settings to SFTP v2.0, but it doesn't allow me to upload.

Thanx for any advice.

If I can continue to use the older version indefinitely, I will. But I keep getting messages at login that the older version is about to expire.

SFTP Client 2.0 log:

[16:03:29] 230 User herb logged in.
[16:03:29] SYST
[16:03:29] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[16:03:29] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[16:03:29] FEAT
[16:03:30] 500 FEAT not understood.
[16:03:30] TYPE I
[16:03:30] 200 Type set to I.
[16:03:30] REST 0
[16:03:30] 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
[16:03:30] PWD
[16:03:30] 257 "/" is current directory.
[16:04:20] NOOP
[16:04:20] 200 NOOP

What is this telling me? Thanx

This tells you everything is fine. There are no problems visible in the log you posted.

This tells you everything is fine. There are no problems visible in the log you posted.

Hmmmmm .... wonder what's keeping me from being able to upload with this version -- it's still simple drag-n-drop from local folder to server, right?

Version 1.5990 log, for comparison to above:

230 User herb logged in.
215 UNIX Type: L8
500 FEAT not understood.
200 Type set to I.
350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
257 "/" is current directory.
227 Entering Passive Mode (204,127,198,23,15,69).
Opening data connection to Port: 3909
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
226-Transfer complete.
226 Quotas on: using 4206964 of 26214400 bytes
14651 bytes transferred. (26.1 KB/s) (547 ms)

Feel like I'm talking to myself in this thread.

Just posting this for others who surf through all the messages.

Problem solved!! Did a complete uninstall/reinstall and (for some reason) everything works as it is supposed to.

Go figure......

Again, your logs do not show any errors. You said in the beginning you had problems uploading, but none of your logs show an upload attempt. But I guess that does not matter anymore as you solved the problem yourself.

Again, your logs do not show any errors. You said in the beginning you had problems uploading, but none of your logs show an upload attempt. But I guess that does not matter anymore as you solved the problem yourself.

When I did drag&drop of file from local folder to Comcast Upload server, nothing was happening, meaning no info was scrolling thru the session log. But as you said, it doesn't matter now -- sometimes (in your case) it's just not worth trying to figure out the "why" answer, when you're not able to be in front of the 'puter.