FEAT not understood

Hi: I'm not sure it affects my session but I frequently see this error message:

[15:21:46] FEAT
[15:21:46] 500 FEAT not understood.

What is the "FEAT" command and why doesn't the system I'm logging into (FTP) understand it?


Please search the forum. It's an optional command that makes the server report any special features it implements. Many older FTP servers do not support the FEAT command. You can make SmartFTP stop sending it by disabling it in the settings.

You can make SmartFTP stop sending it by disabling it in the settings.


I've been right through the settings and can not find a mention of 500, FEAT or command.

More information please.


I've been right through the settings and can not find a mention of 500, FEAT or command.

More information please.

Look at Tools->Settings->Connection, at the 1st group.