I need support

I'd like to followup on this. I get the same error with version 2.x.
All my downloads are forcefully restarting (rather than resuming) since upgrading from 1.5. This is in both the Queue and Direct downloads.
I'm running the lastest beta build (as of Sept 14, 2006) which supports reading the file sizes from the directory, but it doesn't seem to work if I get a Permissions error.
Please change this functionality back to the way it worked in 1.5!

My logs:

[01:34:45] Resolving host name "server.com"

[01:34:45] Connecting to Port: 21

[01:34:45] Connected to server.com.

[01:34:45] 220 FTP Server ready.

[01:34:45] USER ess

[01:34:45] 331 Password required for ess.

[01:34:45] PASS (hidden)

[01:34:45] 230- 

[01:34:45]  Current local time: Thu Sep 14 07:37:17 2006

[01:34:45]  Space left on device: 7745012 Bytes

[01:34:45]  Currently connected: 1 of 4 users


[01:34:46] 230 Guest access granted for ess.

[01:34:46] SYST

[01:34:46] 215 UNIX Type: L8

[01:34:46] Detected Server Type: UNIX

[01:34:46] FEAT

[01:34:46] 211-Features:

[01:34:46]  MDTM

[01:34:46]  REST STREAM

[01:34:46]  SIZE

[01:34:46] 211 End

[01:34:46] PWD

[01:34:46] 257 "/" is current directory.

[01:34:46] CWD /Essential_Mix/2006_up2date

[01:34:46] 250 CWD command successful

[01:34:46] PWD

[01:34:46] 257 "/Essential_Mix/2006_up2date" is current directory.

[01:34:46] TYPE I

[01:34:47] 200 Type set to I

[01:34:47] SIZE Essential Mix 2006-08-11 - Fergie, Live at Meganite, Privilege, Ibiza.mp3

[01:34:47] 550 Essential Mix 2006-08-11 - Fergie, Live at Meganite, Privilege, Ibiza.mp3: Permission denied

[01:34:47] File size check (SIZE) failed. File not found or permission denied.

[01:34:47] PASV

[01:34:47] 227 Entering Passive Mode (123,231,132,213,15,216).

[01:34:47] Opening data connection to Port: 4056

[01:34:47] RETR Essential Mix 2006-08-11 - Fergie, Live at Meganite, Privilege, Ibiza.mp3

[01:34:47] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Essential Mix 2006-08-11 - Fergie, Live at Meganite, Privilege, Ibiza.mp3 (171838380 bytes)