Thinks for the fast reply. This is my log...
[20:36:49] SmartFTP v2.0.997.4
[20:36:49] Resolving host name ""
[20:36:49] Connecting to Port: 21
[20:36:50] Connected to
[20:36:50] 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
[20:36:50] 220-You are user number 2 of 50 allowed.
[20:36:50] 220-Local time is now 19:36. Server port: 21.
[20:36:50] 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
[20:36:50] USER ra87
[20:36:50] 331 User ra87 OK. Password required
[20:36:50] PASS (hidden)
[20:36:51] 230-User ra87 has group access to: ra87
[20:36:51] 230 OK. Current restricted directory is /
[20:36:51] SYST
[20:36:51] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[20:36:51] Detected Server Type: UNIX
[20:36:51] FEAT
[20:36:51] 211-Extensions supported:
[20:36:51] EPRT
[20:36:51] IDLE
[20:36:51] MDTM
[20:36:51] SIZE
[20:36:51] REST STREAM
[20:36:51] MLST type*;size*;sizd*;modify*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.uid*;UNIX.gid*;unique*;
[20:36:51] MLSD
[20:36:51] ESTP
[20:36:51] PASV
[20:36:51] EPSV
[20:36:51] SPSV
[20:36:51] ESTA
[20:36:51] AUTH TLS
[20:36:51] PBSZ
[20:36:51] PROT
[20:36:51] 211 End.
[20:36:51] Detected Server Software: PureFTPd
[20:36:51] PWD
[20:36:51] 257 "/" is your current location
[20:36:51] TYPE A
[20:36:51] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[20:36:51] PASV
[20:36:51] 227 Entering Passive Mode (47,25,11,622,55,63)
[20:36:51] Opening data connection to Port: 14143
[20:36:51] MLSD
[20:36:51] 150 Accepted data connection
[20:36:51] 2523 bytes transferred. (15.6 KB/s) (157 ms)
[20:36:51] 226-Options: -a -l
[20:36:51] 226 22 matches total
[20:37:10] SITE CHMOD 555 public_html
[20:37:10] 200 Permissions changed on public_html
[20:37:10] CWD /public_html
[20:37:10] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html
[20:37:10] PWD
[20:37:10] 257 "/public_html" is your current location
[20:37:10] PASV
[20:37:10] 227 Entering Passive Mode (47,25,11,622,153,228)
[20:37:10] Opening data connection to Port: 39396
[20:37:10] MLSD
[20:37:10] 150 Accepted data connection
[20:37:10] 2626 bytes transferred. (18.1 KB/s) (141 ms)
[20:37:10] 226-Options: -a -l
[20:37:10] 226 21 matches total
[20:37:10] SITE CHMOD 555 .php
[20:37:10] 200 Permissions changed on .php
[20:37:10] SITE CHMOD 555 allergy-asthma-center-cincinnati.php
[20:37:10] 200 Permissions changed on allergy-asthma-center-cincinnati.php
[20:37:10] SITE CHMOD 555 allergy-medication-and-breast-feeding.php
[20:37:11] 200 Permissions changed on allergy-medication-and-breast-feeding.php
[20:37:11] SITE CHMOD 555 allergy-medication-safe-during-pregnancy.php
[20:37:11] 200 Permissions changed on allergy-medication-safe-during-pregnancy.php
[20:37:11] SITE CHMOD 555 allergy-sign-symptom-wheat.php
[20:37:11] 200 Permissions changed on allergy-sign-symptom-wheat.php
[20:37:11] SITE CHMOD 555 cache
[20:37:11] 200 Permissions changed on cache
[20:37:11] CWD /public_html/cache
[20:37:11] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/cache
[20:37:11] PWD
[20:37:11] 257 "/public_html/cache" is your current location
[20:37:11] PASV
[20:37:11] 227 Entering Passive Mode (47,25,11,622,180,225)
[20:37:11] Opening data connection to Port: 46305
[20:37:11] MLSD
[20:37:11] 150 Accepted data connection
[20:37:11] 352 bytes transferred. (4.40 KB/s) (78 ms)
[20:37:11] 226-Options: -a -l
[20:37:11] 226 3 matches total
[20:37:11] SITE CHMOD 555 common-food-allergy-dog.html
[20:37:11] 200 Permissions changed on common-food-allergy-dog.html
[20:37:11] CWD /public_html
[20:37:11] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html
[20:37:11] PWD
[20:37:11] 257 "/public_html" is your current location
[20:37:11] SITE CHMOD 555 cgi-bin
[20:37:11] 200 Permissions changed on cgi-bin
[20:37:12] CWD /public_html/cgi-bin
[20:37:12] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/cgi-bin
[20:37:12] PWD
[20:37:12] 257 "/public_html/cgi-bin" is your current location
[20:37:12] PASV
[20:37:12] 227 Entering Passive Mode (47,25,11,622,179,36)
[20:37:12] Opening data connection to Port: 45860
[20:37:12] MLSD
[20:37:12] 150 Accepted data connection
[20:37:12] 330 bytes transferred. (4.07 KB/s) (79 ms)
[20:37:12] 226-Options: -a -l
[20:37:12] 226 3 matches total
[20:37:12] SITE CHMOD 555 .htaccess
[20:37:12] 200 Permissions changed on .htaccess
[20:37:12] CWD /public_html
[20:37:12] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html
[20:37:12] PWD
[20:37:12] 257 "/public_html" is your current location
[20:37:12] SITE CHMOD 555 concrete-mold-plaster.php
[20:37:12] 200 Permissions changed on concrete-mold-plaster.php
[20:37:12] SITE CHMOD 555 concrete-pavers-mold.php
[20:37:12] 200 Permissions changed on concrete-pavers-mold.php
[20:37:12] SITE CHMOD 555 directory
[20:37:12] 200 Permissions changed on directory
[20:37:12] CWD /public_html/directory
[20:37:12] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/directory
[20:37:12] PWD
[20:37:12] 257 "/public_html/directory" is your current location
[20:37:12] PASV
[20:37:13] 227 Entering Passive Mode (47,25,11,622,179,169)
[20:37:13] Opening data connection to Port: 45993
[20:37:13] MLSD
[20:37:13] 150 Accepted data connection
[20:37:13] 4232 bytes transferred. (18.8 KB/s) (219 ms)
[20:37:13] 226-Options: -a -l
[20:37:13] 226 36 matches total
[20:37:13] SITE CHMOD 555 Snoopy.class.php
[20:37:13] 200 Permissions changed on Snoopy.class.php
[20:37:13] SITE CHMOD 555 article_gen.php
[20:37:13] 200 Permissions changed on article_gen.php
[20:37:13] SITE CHMOD 555 articles
[20:37:13] 200 Permissions changed on articles
[20:37:13] CWD /public_html/directory/articles
[20:37:13] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/directory/articles
[20:37:13] PWD
[20:37:13] 257 "/public_html/directory/articles" is your current location
[20:37:13] PASV
[20:37:13] 227 Entering Passive Mode (47,25,11,622,98,246)
[20:37:13] Opening data connection to Port: 25334
[20:37:13] MLSD
[20:37:13] 150 Accepted data connection
[20:37:13] 3381 bytes transferred. (19.3 KB/s) (171 ms)
[20:37:14] 226-Options: -a -l
[20:37:14] 226 26 matches total
[20:37:14] SITE CHMOD 555 0
[20:37:14] 200 Permissions changed on 0
[20:37:14] SITE CHMOD 555 1
[20:37:14] 200 Permissions changed on 1
[20:37:14] SITE CHMOD 555 allergy+asthma+center+cincinnati0
[20:37:14] 200 Permissions changed on allergy+asthma+center+cincinnati0
[20:37:14] SITE CHMOD 555 allergy+asthma+center+cincinnati1
[20:37:14] 200 Permissions changed on allergy+asthma+center+cincinnati1
[20:37:14] SITE CHMOD 555 allergy+medication+and+breast+feeding0
[20:37:14] 200 Permissions changed on allergy+medication+and+breast+feeding0
[20:37:14] SITE CHMOD 555 allergy+medication+and+breast+feeding1
[20:37:14] 200 Permissions changed on allergy+medication+and+breast+feeding1
[20:37:14] SITE CHMOD 555 allergy+medication+safe+during+pregnancy0
[20:37:14] 200 Permissions changed on allergy+medication+safe+during+pregnancy0
[20:37:14] SITE CHMOD 555 allergy+medication+safe+during+pregnancy1
[20:37:14] 200 Permissions changed on allergy+medication+safe+during+pregnancy1
[20:37:14] SITE CHMOD 555 allergy+sign+symptom+wheat0
[20:37:14] 200 Permissions changed on allergy+sign+symptom+wheat0
[20:37:14] SITE CHMOD 555 allergy+sign+symptom+wheat1
[20:37:14] 200 Permissions changed on allergy+sign+symptom+wheat1
[20:37:14] SITE CHMOD 555 concrete+mold+plaster0
[20:37:14] 200 Permissions changed on concrete+mold+plaster0
[20:37:14] SITE CHMOD 555 concrete+mold+plaster1
[20:37:14] 200 Permissions changed on concrete+mold+plaster1
[20:37:14] SITE CHMOD 555 concrete+pavers+mold0
[20:37:14] 200 Permissions changed on concrete+pavers+mold0
[20:37:14] SITE CHMOD 555 concrete+pavers+mold1
[20:37:14] 200 Permissions changed on concrete+pavers+mold1
[20:37:14] SITE CHMOD 555 dog+good+for+allergy+sufferer0
[20:37:15] 200 Permissions changed on dog+good+for+allergy+sufferer0
[20:37:15] SITE CHMOD 555 dog+good+for+allergy+sufferer1
[20:37:15] 200 Permissions changed on dog+good+for+allergy+sufferer1
[20:37:15] SITE CHMOD 555 dog+hair+allergy0
[20:37:15] 200 Permissions changed on dog+hair+allergy0
[20:37:15] SITE CHMOD 555 dog+hair+allergy1
[20:37:15] 200 Permissions changed on dog+hair+allergy1
[20:37:15] SITE CHMOD 555 eczema+cure+baby0
[20:37:15] 200 Permissions changed on eczema+cure+baby0
[20:37:15] SITE CHMOD 555 eczema+cure+baby1
[20:37:15] 200 Permissions changed on eczema+cure+baby1
[20:37:15] SITE CHMOD 555 toxic+mold+attorney0
[20:37:15] 200 Permissions changed on toxic+mold+attorney0
[20:37:15] SITE CHMOD 555 toxic+mold+attorney1
[20:37:15] 200 Permissions changed on toxic+mold+attorney1
[20:37:15] SITE CHMOD 555 what+does+toxic+mold+look+like0
[20:37:15] 200 Permissions changed on what+does+toxic+mold+look+like0
[20:37:15] SITE CHMOD 555 what+does+toxic+mold+look+like1
[20:37:15] 200 Permissions changed on what+does+toxic+mold+look+like1
[20:37:15] CWD /public_html/directory
[20:37:15] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/directory
[20:37:15] PWD
[20:37:15] 257 "/public_html/directory" is your current location
[20:37:15] SITE CHMOD 555 articles.php
[20:37:15] 200 Permissions changed on articles.php
[20:37:15] SITE CHMOD 555 chitika.php
[20:37:15] 200 Permissions changed on chitika.php
[20:37:15] SITE CHMOD 555 chitika_function.php
[20:37:15] 200 Permissions changed on chitika_function.php
[20:37:15] SITE CHMOD 555 clear-cache.php
[20:37:15] 200 Permissions changed on clear-cache.php
[20:37:15] SITE CHMOD 555 config.php
[20:37:16] 200 Permissions changed on config.php
[20:37:16] SITE CHMOD 555 error_log
[20:37:16] 200 Permissions changed on error_log
[20:37:16] SITE CHMOD 555 generator.php
[20:37:16] 200 Permissions changed on generator.php
[20:37:16] SITE CHMOD 555 google.php
[20:37:16] 200 Permissions changed on google.php
[20:37:16] SITE CHMOD 555 google_function.php
[20:37:16] 200 Permissions changed on google_function.php
[20:37:16] SITE CHMOD 555 images
[20:37:16] 200 Permissions changed on images
[20:37:16] CWD /public_html/directory/images
[20:37:16] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/directory/images
[20:37:16] PWD
[20:37:16] 257 "/public_html/directory/images" is your current location
[20:37:16] PASV
[20:37:16] 227 Entering Passive Mode (47,25,11,622,71,200)
[20:37:16] Opening data connection to Port: 18376
[20:37:16] MLSD
[20:37:16] 150 Accepted data connection
[20:37:16] 1255 bytes transferred. (13.0 KB/s) (94 ms)
[20:37:16] 226-Options: -a -l
[20:37:16] 226 11 matches total
[20:37:16] SITE CHMOD 555 bg.gif
[20:37:16] 200 Permissions changed on bg.gif
[20:37:16] SITE CHMOD 555 clanak.gif
[20:37:16] 200 Permissions changed on clanak.gif
[20:37:16] SITE CHMOD 555 fade.gif
[20:37:16] 200 Permissions changed on fade.gif
[20:37:16] SITE CHMOD 555 lijevo.gif
[20:37:17] 200 Permissions changed on lijevo.gif
[20:37:17] SITE CHMOD 555 link.gif
[20:37:17] 200 Permissions changed on link.gif
[20:37:17] SITE CHMOD 555 pic.gif
[20:37:17] 200 Permissions changed on pic.gif
[20:37:17] SITE CHMOD 555 pozadina.gif
[20:37:17] 200 Permissions changed on pozadina.gif
[20:37:17] SITE CHMOD 555 scrap.gif
[20:37:17] 200 Permissions changed on scrap.gif
[20:37:17] SITE CHMOD 555 strelica2.gif
[20:37:17] 200 Permissions changed on strelica2.gif
[20:37:17] CWD /public_html/directory
[20:37:17] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/directory
[20:37:17] PWD
[20:37:17] 257 "/public_html/directory" is your current location
[20:37:17] SITE CHMOD 555 index.php
[20:37:17] 200 Permissions changed on index.php
[20:37:17] SITE CHMOD 555 install.php
[20:37:17] 200 Permissions changed on install.php
[20:37:17] SITE CHMOD 555 keywords
[20:37:17] 200 Permissions changed on keywords
[20:37:17] CWD /public_html/directory/keywords
[20:37:17] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/directory/keywords
[20:37:17] PWD
[20:37:17] 257 "/public_html/directory/keywords" is your current location
[20:37:17] PASV
[20:37:17] 227 Entering Passive Mode (47,25,11,622,255,220)
[20:37:17] Opening data connection to Port: 65500
[20:37:17] MLSD
[20:37:17] 150 Accepted data connection
[20:37:17] 450 bytes transferred. (5.63 KB/s) (78 ms)
[20:37:18] 226-Options: -a -l
[20:37:18] 226 4 matches total
[20:37:18] SITE CHMOD 555 Keywords.txt
[20:37:18] 200 Permissions changed on Keywords.txt
[20:37:18] SITE CHMOD 555 index.php
[20:37:18] 200 Permissions changed on index.php
[20:37:18] CWD /public_html/directory
[20:37:18] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/directory
[20:37:18] PWD
[20:37:18] 257 "/public_html/directory" is your current location
[20:37:18] SITE CHMOD 555 markov.php
[20:37:18] 200 Permissions changed on markov.php
[20:37:18] SITE CHMOD 555 originalserp.php
[20:37:18] 200 Permissions changed on originalserp.php
[20:37:18] SITE CHMOD 555 pages.php
[20:37:18] 200 Permissions changed on pages.php
[20:37:18] SITE CHMOD 555 pages2.php
[20:37:18] 200 Permissions changed on pages2.php
[20:37:18] SITE CHMOD 555 pages3.php
[20:37:18] 200 Permissions changed on pages3.php
[20:37:18] SITE CHMOD 555 random.php
[20:37:18] 200 Permissions changed on random.php
[20:37:18] SITE CHMOD 555 rss.php
[20:37:18] 200 Permissions changed on rss.php
[20:37:18] SITE CHMOD 555 rss_gen.php
[20:37:18] 200 Permissions changed on rss_gen.php
[20:37:18] SITE CHMOD 555 searchfeed.php
[20:37:18] 200 Permissions changed on searchfeed.php
[20:37:19] SITE CHMOD 555 serp.php
[20:37:19] 200 Permissions changed on serp.php
[20:37:19] SITE CHMOD 555 sitemap.php
[20:37:19] 200 Permissions changed on sitemap.php
[20:37:19] SITE CHMOD 555 sitemap_xml_code.php
[20:37:19] 200 Permissions changed on sitemap_xml_code.php
[20:37:19] SITE CHMOD 555 style.css
[20:37:19] 200 Permissions changed on style.css
[20:37:19] SITE CHMOD 555 text-links.php
[20:37:19] 200 Permissions changed on text-links.php
[20:37:19] SITE CHMOD 555 theindex.php
[20:37:19] 200 Permissions changed on theindex.php
[20:37:19] SITE CHMOD 555 thesitemap.php
[20:37:19] 200 Permissions changed on thesitemap.php
[20:37:19] SITE CHMOD 555 wiki.php
[20:37:19] 200 Permissions changed on wiki.php
[20:37:19] SITE CHMOD 555 ypn.php
[20:37:19] 200 Permissions changed on ypn.php
[20:37:19] CWD /public_html
[20:37:19] 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html
[20:37:19] PWD
[20:37:19] 257 "/public_html" is your current location
[20:37:19] SITE CHMOD 555 dog-good-for-allergy-sufferer.php
[20:37:19] 200 Permissions changed on dog-good-for-allergy-sufferer.php
[20:37:19] SITE CHMOD 555 dog-hair-allergy.php
[20:37:19] 200 Permissions changed on dog-hair-allergy.php
[20:37:19] SITE CHMOD 555 eczema-cure-baby.php
[20:37:19] 200 Permissions changed on eczema-cure-baby.php
[20:37:19] SITE CHMOD 555 index.php
[20:37:19] 200 Permissions changed on index.php
[20:37:19] SITE CHMOD 555 robots.txt
[20:37:20] 200 Permissions changed on robots.txt
[20:37:20] SITE CHMOD 555 sitemap.php
[20:37:20] 200 Permissions changed on sitemap.php
[20:37:20] SITE CHMOD 555 sitemap.xml
[20:37:20] 200 Permissions changed on sitemap.xml
[20:37:20] SITE CHMOD 555 toxic-mold-attorney.php
[20:37:20] 200 Permissions changed on toxic-mold-attorney.php
[20:37:20] SITE CHMOD 555 what-does-toxic-mold-look-like.php
[20:37:20] 200 Permissions changed on what-does-toxic-mold-look-like.php
[20:37:22] PASV
[20:37:22] 227 Entering Passive Mode (47,25,11,622,147,128)
[20:37:22] Opening data connection to Port: 37760
[20:37:22] MLSD
[20:37:22] 150 Accepted data connection
[20:37:23] 2626 bytes transferred. (16.4 KB/s) (156 ms)
[20:37:23] 226-Options: -a -l
[20:37:23] 226 21 matches total
[20:38:13] NOOP
[20:38:13] 200 Zzz...