Intermec FTP server, no visible files/folders, can see raw listing


Great app, except I cannot get it to show files/folders for an Intermec FTP server.

I can see the raw listing of the root directory. Here it is-

01-01-98  08:00AM	   <DIR>		  Flash File Store

01-01-98  08:00AM	   <DIR>		  SDMMC Disk

06-26-06  10:49AM	   <DIR>		  install

06-21-06  01:59PM				 1033 GACLOG.TXT

06-21-06  12:32PM				   12 iqdbsett.iqd

03-21-03  04:02AM	   <DIR>		  SmartSystems

03-21-03  04:00AM	   <DIR>		  ftpdcmds

03-21-03  04:00AM	   <DIR>		  ConnMgr

03-21-03  04:00AM	   <DIR>		  CabFiles

03-20-03  07:59PM	   <DIR>		  profiles

03-20-03  07:59PM	   <DIR>		  Program Files

03-20-03  07:59PM	   <DIR>		  My Documents

03-20-03  07:59PM	   <DIR>		  Temp

03-20-03  07:59PM	   <DIR>		  Windows

That may not look really good here. I could send the listing if desired so you can see the spacing and such.

No matter what listing options I use, SmartFTP never 'draws' the folder tree or shows the files.

SmartFTP v1.0.966 would show them.

Is there anything else I can try?


Hello ..

Install the latest version from

Then post the log from your FTP session. ... f2564.html

Thank you.


Thanks for the email. I installed the latest.

Here's the log.

[08:34:22] SmartFTP v2.0.997.0

[08:34:22] Resolving host name ""

[08:34:22] Connecting to Port: 21

[08:34:22] Connected to

[08:34:22] 220 Connected to Intermec IFTP server. Version 2.11.

[08:34:22] USER intermec

[08:34:22] 331 Password required!

[08:34:22] PASS (hidden)

[08:34:22] 230-===============================

[08:34:22]	  Intermec FTP server ready!

[08:34:22]	  Version 2.11.  WINCE

[08:34:22]	  0010400FDB86 10700601289 740

[08:34:22]	  Binary transfer mode only! 

[08:34:22]	 ===============================

[08:34:22] 230 Logon successful.

[08:34:22] SYST

[08:34:22] 215 Windows_CE version 4.20

[08:34:22] TYPE I

[08:34:22] 200 Type set to I.

[08:34:22] REST 0

[08:34:22] 502 Command not implemented.

[08:34:22] PWD

[08:34:22] 257 "/" is current directory.

[08:34:22] CWD /SDMMC Disk/cabfiles/

[08:34:22] 250 Current directory changed to "/SDMMC Disk/cabfiles/".

[08:34:22] PWD

[08:34:22] 257 "/SDMMC Disk/cabfiles/" is current directory.

[08:34:22] TYPE A

[08:34:22] 200 Type set to A.

[08:34:22] PORT 192,168,111,100,4,135

[08:34:22] 200 Port command successful.

[08:34:22] LIST

[08:34:22] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.

[08:34:22] 0 bytes transferred. (N/A/s) (0 ms)

[08:34:22] 226 Transfer complete.

[08:35:13] NOOP

[08:35:13] 200 NOOP: Command successful!

[08:35:43] PORT 192,168,111,100,4,137

[08:35:43] 200 Port command successful.

[08:35:43] LIST

[08:35:43] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.

[08:35:43] 0 bytes transferred. (N/A/s) (0 ms)

[08:35:43] 226 Transfer complete.

[08:36:34] NOOP

[08:36:34] 200 NOOP: Command successful!

[08:37:25] NOOP

[08:37:25] 200 NOOP: Command successful!

[08:38:16] NOOP

[08:38:16] 200 NOOP: Command successful!

[08:40:03] CWD /

[08:40:03] 250 Current directory changed to "/".

[08:40:03] PWD

[08:40:03] 257 "/" is current directory.

[08:40:03] PORT 192,168,111,100,4,145

[08:40:03] 200 Port command successful.

[08:40:03] LIST

[08:40:03] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.

[08:40:04] 226 Transfer complete.

[08:40:04] 660 bytes transferred. (1.64 KB/s) (391 ms)

[08:40:12] PORT 192,168,111,100,4,147

[08:40:12] 200 Port command successful.

[08:40:12] LIST

[08:40:12] 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.

[08:40:12] 226 Transfer complete.

[08:40:12] 660 bytes transferred. (2.05 KB/s) (313 ms)

Here's another listing (probably the same...)

01-01-98  08:00AM	   <DIR>		  Flash File Store

01-01-98  08:00AM	   <DIR>		  SDMMC Disk

07-20-06  04:44PM				  712 GACLOG.TXT

07-20-06  02:42PM	   <DIR>		  SmartSystems

07-20-06  02:42PM				   12 iqdbsett.iqd

07-20-06  01:40PM	   <DIR>		  ftpdcmds

07-20-06  01:40PM	   <DIR>		  ConnMgr

07-20-06  01:40PM	   <DIR>		  CabFiles

03-20-03  07:59PM	   <DIR>		  profiles

03-20-03  07:59PM	   <DIR>		  Program Files

03-20-03  07:59PM	   <DIR>		  My Documents

03-20-03  07:59PM	   <DIR>		  Temp

03-20-03  07:59PM	   <DIR>		  Windows

Thanks for taking the time!

Thank you. It's exactly what I needed ;-)

The newest build detects the "Windows_CE" system and thus uses the DOS listing decoder:
