zlib Error (-3) --- What is this error? Please help!

I have no clue what this error means and I have tried everything from messing with my settings to consulting the web site. Any help would be extremely appreciated!!!

Plese post the complete log of your FTP session.


Sorry about that... here's the log:

[16:13:52] SmartFTP v2.0.996.36
[16:13:52] Resolving host name "ftp.mauricemac.com"
[16:13:52] Connecting to Port: 21
[16:13:52] Connected to ftp.mauricemac.com.
[16:13:52] 220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.1 for WinSock ready...
[16:13:53] 331 User name okay, need password.
[16:13:53] PASS (hidden)
[16:13:53] 230 User logged in, proceed.
[16:13:53] SYST
[16:13:53] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[16:13:53] FEAT
[16:13:53] 211-Extension supported
[16:13:53] CLNT
[16:13:53] MDTM
[16:13:53] MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS[+-TZ];filename
[16:13:53] SIZE
[16:13:53] REST STREAM
[16:13:53] XCRC filename;start;end
[16:13:53] MODE Z
[16:13:53] MLST Type*;Size*;Create;Modify*;Win32.ea*;
[16:13:53] 211 End
[16:13:53] Detected Server Software: Serv-U 5.x/6.x
[16:13:53] CLNT SmartFTP 2.0.996
[16:13:53] 200 Noted.
[16:13:53] PWD
[16:13:53] 257 "/" is current directory.
[16:13:53] TYPE A
[16:13:53] 200 Type set to A.
[16:13:53] MODE Z
[16:13:53] 200 MODE Z ok.
[16:13:53] PASV
[16:13:53] 227 Entering Passive Mode (66,135,34,16,0,21)
[16:13:53] Opening data connection to Port: 21
[16:13:53] MLSD
[16:13:53] zlib Error (-3).
[16:13:53] 49 bytes transferred. (392 bytes/s) (125 ms)

Hello ..

I have no problems with SmartFTP and Serv-U 6.3:

[23:33:50] TYPE A
[23:33:50] 200 Type set to A.
[23:33:50] MODE Z
[23:33:50] 200 MODE Z ok.
[23:33:50] PASV
[23:33:50] 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,10,98)
[23:33:50] Opening data connection to Port: 2658
[23:33:50] MLSD
[23:33:50] 128 bytes transferred. (N/A/s) (0 ms)
[23:33:50] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for MLSD.
[23:33:50] 226 Transfer complete.

Update Serv-U and try again.



What will updating Serv-U do? I am not a programer but I do mostly understand computers. This however I do not understand. Please enlighten me a bit more if you have a chance. Thanks.


Fix the problem you are having?

Please contact the owner of the FTP server if you don't have any control over the FTP server at mauricemac.com.
