Okie i have been trying for 2 days to log on to my site using smart ftp but i get this error
[02:20:47] SmartFTP v2.0.996.36
[02:20:47] Resolving host name ""
[02:20:47] Connecting to Port: 21
[02:20:49] Connected to
[02:21:10] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
[02:21:10] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[02:21:10] Server closed connection
Please tell me whats the problem..
[02:20:47] SmartFTP v2.0.996.36
[02:20:47] Resolving host name ""
[02:20:47] Connecting to Port: 21
[02:20:49] Connected to
[02:21:10] An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
[02:21:10] Cannot login waiting to retry (30s)...
[02:21:10] Server closed connection
Please tell me whats the problem..