Unable to Increase TimeOut Settings to access Servers

I am running SmartFTP 2.0.994 on a configuration as described at the end of this message.

Regardless of what figure I enter in the Settings dialogs, the program only allows 21 seconds before announcing that "A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time".

Windows XP Home
SP2, with all patches and updates installed
Dell Dimension 8100
Intel P4, 1.3MHz
Intel i850(E) chipset
nVIDIA GeForce2 MX 400/400MX AGP video card, with 32MB memory
768MB Rambus RDRAM main memory

Hi, update to the build 2.0.995.11 and try again.

I'm sorry to report that the upgrade to 2.0.995 didn't change this behavior.