I've just donwloaded Smartftp and have managed to upload half my files. For some reason now, when I upload a file, it seems to upload but the file size on the server is zero. Does anyone have any idea on what is happening here?
Me again. The error I'm getting is "552 Transfer aborted. Disk quota exceeded"
Would this be something to do with the web space or is there a limit to what can be uploaded via Smartftp? Do I need to purchase Smartftp?
I've just donwloaded Smartftp and have managed to upload half my files. For some reason now, when I upload a file, it seems to upload but the file size on the server is zero. Does anyone have any idea on what is happening here?
Me again. The error I'm getting is "552 Transfer aborted. Disk quota exceeded"
Would this be something to do with the web space or is there a limit to what can be uploaded via Smartftp? Do I need to purchase Smartftp?