Because the XBox does not support the (optional) FEAT command. Disable it in the settings under "Connection". Please search the forums before next time ...
this feat is not under settings or i just cant find it and i did search the forums and nothing was to be found
perhaps organize these forums better and i would find it.. thank you for the help though but is still cant find the feat command is it on my modded dash or the ms dash or the dash that you can patch/ install softmod/ delete softmod
this feat is not under settings or i just cant find it and i did search the forums and nothing was to be found
perhaps organize these forums better and i would find it.. thank you for the help though but is still cant find the feat command is it on my modded dash or the ms dash or the dash that you can patch/ install softmod/ delete softmod
disregard that last post i found it on the forum under the questions column my fault. However now the Pasv noop or rest is not implemented what is this? and how do i fix it