Hello, My name is rickie and i keep getting a error messege im unsure of
[12:38:39] 550-Quota exceeded: read_dump.lib.php won't be saved
[12:38:39] 550 10238 Kbytes used (99%) - authorized: 10240 Kb
[12:45:26] Transfer failed.
[12:45:26] TYPE A
[12:45:26] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[12:45:26] PASV
[12:45:26] 227 Entering Passive Mode (XX,XX,XXX,XX,XXX,XXX)
[12:45:26] Opening data connection to XX.XX.XX.XX Port: 47294
[12:45:26] MLSD
[12:45:26] 150 Accepted data connection
[12:45:26] 3665 bytes transferred. (35.7 KB/s) (100 ms)
[12:45:27] 226-Options: -a -l
[12:45:27] 226 29 matches total
After i get that error it stops all files from completing transfering and doesnt let me tranfer the same file, i get the same error code with about 5 files.
Im runing Windows XP home edition, SmartFTP 2.0
[12:38:39] 550-Quota exceeded: read_dump.lib.php won't be saved
[12:38:39] 550 10238 Kbytes used (99%) - authorized: 10240 Kb
[12:45:26] Transfer failed.
[12:45:26] TYPE A
[12:45:26] 200 TYPE is now ASCII
[12:45:26] PASV
[12:45:26] 227 Entering Passive Mode (XX,XX,XXX,XX,XXX,XXX)
[12:45:26] Opening data connection to XX.XX.XX.XX Port: 47294
[12:45:26] MLSD
[12:45:26] 150 Accepted data connection
[12:45:26] 3665 bytes transferred. (35.7 KB/s) (100 ms)
[12:45:27] 226-Options: -a -l
[12:45:27] 226 29 matches total
After i get that error it stops all files from completing transfering and doesnt let me tranfer the same file, i get the same error code with about 5 files.
Im runing Windows XP home edition, SmartFTP 2.0