How To selectively transfer files
The goal of this tutorial is to filter (exclude or include) certain files or folders using transfer filter conditions. Filter conditions can be defined in the favorite properties. In this tutorial, as an example, we only want to download all PDF files (*.pdf) but no other files from a server.
How To
- Connect to the server (favorite)
- Select the Tools ribbon tab. In the Favorite group, click on Properties.
- In the favorite Properties dialog go to the Transfer - Filters dialog. Under Download Conditions set the filter option to Enable to enable filtering.
- Click on the Edit Conditions button.
- Enter the AQS query which selects the files and folders you want to transfer. More information about the query syntax can be found at KB: Conditions.
- In this example we want to transfer all the files where the file extension equals to ".pdf". Additionally we also want to apply this condition recursively to all files that may exist in the sub folders. The query for this condition is:
System.FileExtension:=".pdf" OR System.ItemType:="Directory" - If we just want to transfer all *.pdf files of a single folder we would use the following query instead:
System.FileExtension:=".pdf" - Now click on Resolve to verify the query you have entered.
- To test the condition against a test item, click on Edit test item and then fill in some data. For example:
For System.FileName enter: test.pdf - Click OK
- Now click on the Resolve button and check the result of the Test item matches the conditions value.
Note: The filters are saved per favorite. If you want to use different filters for the same favorite, you have to create a copy of the favorite item.
transfer filter include exclude
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