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TLS Error: The token supplied to the function is invalid
The token supplied to the function is invalid.
HRESULT error: SEC_E_INVALID_TOKEN (0x80090308)
This error happens during the TLS protocol negotiation with the server.
Possible causes:
- Interoperability issues with different TLS implementations
E.g. if the TLS connection goes through an intermediary (proxy, firewall), the connection may be intentionally aborted (e.g. legacy implementation does not recognize new TLS extensions). - The server does not support TLS or the implementation is broken.
- For cause 1
Identify the problem using a protocol analyzer (wireshark etc). Then contact the vendor of the product for the latest update/firmware. - For cause 2
Contact the vendor of the server.
관련 기사 The client and server cannot communicate, because they do not possess a common algorithm.
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