기술 자료

  1. General
  2. Maintenance Expiration
만든 날짜
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기사 2543

Maintenance Expiration

When you buy a SmartFTP license key, your license is bundled with a maintenance plan valid for at least a one year period during which you are entitled to update to the latest available version of SmartFTP. Maintenance plans are available for one, two and three years. Once your maintenance plan expires you can always renew to continue updating and enjoying the benefits that the maintenance plan offers. If you decide not to renew your maintenance after the maintenance expiration date SmartFTP will keep running and no additional costs apply.

What is included in the maintenance plan?
KB: SmartFTP Maintenance Plan

How to renew the maintenance?
Login to the Customer Area

How do I see if my license key is valid for updates?
Login to the Customer Area


관련 기사
icon Maintenance Plan

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