226 Output truncated
421 No Transfer Timeout
421 Sorry, cleartext sessions are not accepted on this server
425 Can't open data connection
425 Unable to build data connection: TLS session of data connection not resumed.
426 Connection closed; transfer aborted
500 'ÿABOR': command not understood.
500 'MLSD': command not understood by proxy
500 FEAT not understood
500 Out of sockets
500 Protocol not supported.
500 Reply marker must be 0.
500 REST command not implemented
503 No port command Issued first
530 account restricted
550 - Permission Errors
550 Can't check for file existence
550 index.htm: Cannot create file
Append/Restart not permitted, try again
Connection limited reached.
Disc quota exceeded
FTP Server Return Codes and Errors
Insufficient Credits
Local policy requires CCC
Only client IP allowed for PORT
PORT command failed
The FTP server expects a valid host name
The message received was unexpected or badly formatted
The server does not support the TLS security protocol
Too many levels of symbolic links
Unexpected server reply
User authentication failed