Knowledge Base
A note on ADWARE
Advanced Settings
Can I advertise SmartFTP from my website?
Distribution on CD?
Do I have the latest SmartFTP build?
Do you support Linux, OS/2 or Macintosh?
Does SmartFTP have a PAD file?
Does SmartFTP support SSH?
Does SmartFTP support Unicode / UTF-8?
Effects of FIPS compliance
Firewall Compatibility
Free Text Editor
FTP Server Software (Some Options)
HIPAA Compliant
How to collect crash reports
How to get a pro-forma invoice
Is the trial software version the same as a full version?
License Agreement
License, Usage and Pricing
Maintenance Expiration
Maintenance Plan
Program won't start
REST command
Return Policy
Shortcut Keys
SmartFTP updates
System Requirements
Technical Support
Web hosting providers
Where are the application data files located?
Where can I find an older build of SmartFTP?
Why is SmartFTP being detected as a virus?
Will everything I report be fixed?
Windows 64-Bit
Windows Server Core Limitations