// Technical support: support@smartftp.com
using System;
using sfFTPLib;
using System.Threading;
namespace DotNetInteropDemo
class Demo
// fields
private FTPConnectionMTA _ftp;
// methods
public void Start()
var global = new sfFTPLib.Global();
// If LoadLicense is not called a trial license is automatically obtained from the activation server. The FTP Library uses WinHTTP to access
// the activation server at www.smartftp.com (TLS, port 443). Ensure that your application is not blocked by any firewall.
// TODO: insert the provided serial after the purchase of a license
// Create our COM object through the Interop (Early Binding)
_ftp = new FTPConnectionMTA();
// Setup delegates
_ftp.OnDisconnect += new sfFTPLib._IFTPConnectionEvents_OnDisconnectEventHandler(OnSocketDisconnect);
// Late Binding
//Type t = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("sfFTPLib.FTPConnectionMTA");
//System.Object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(t);
//_ftp = obj as IFTPConnection;
// host settings
_ftp.Host = "ftp.smartftp.com";
_ftp.Port = 21;
_ftp.Username = "anonymous";
_ftp.Password = "test@test.com";
_ftp.Passive = true;
_ftp.Protocol = Protocol.ftpProtocolPreferTLS;
// client certificate
// 20 byte certificate thumbprint which identifies the certificate
//var certificateThumbprint = new byte[] { 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16 };
//_ftp.SSLSocketLayer.ClientCertThumbprint = certificateThumbprint;
// proxy settings
//_ftp.Proxy.Type = sfFTPLib.ProxyType.ftpProxyTypeNone;
//_ftp.FTPProxy.Type = sfFTPLib.FTPProxyType.ftpFTPProxyTypeNone;
// set CLNT name
//var clientId = new FTPClientId();
//clientId.Name = "SmartFTP Script";
//_ftp.ClientId = clientId;
// log everything
var fileLogger = _ftp.SetFileLogger();
fileLogger.file = "DotNetInteropDemo.log";
// connect to host
var items = _ftp.ReadDirectory();
foreach (sfFTPLib.FTPItem item in items)
if (item.Type == sfFTPLib.ItemType.ftpItemTypeRegularFile)
System.Console.WriteLine("Type={0}; Name={1}; Size={2}", item.Type, item.Name, item.Size);
System.Console.WriteLine("Type={0}; Name={1}", item.Type, item.Name);
// download file
// Note: No resume in this sample
ulong startPosition = 0;
ulong endPosition = ulong.MaxValue;
_ftp.DownloadFileEx(@"This is a DEMO server.txt", @"This is a DEMO server.txt", startPosition, endPosition, null);
System.Console.WriteLine("DownloadFile() successful.");
System.Console.WriteLine("LastTransferBytes = {0} B", _ftp.LastTransferBytes);
System.Console.WriteLine("LastTransferTime = {0} s", _ftp.LastTransferTime);
System.Console.WriteLine("LastTransferSpeed = {0} B/s", _ftp.LastTransferSpeed);
// Upload file
//_ftp.UploadFileEx(@"c:\test.dat", @"test.dat", startPosition, null);
// Events
public void OnSocketDisconnect()
System.Console.WriteLine("Event: OnDisconnect()");
/// <summary>
/// Demo class for sfFTPLib
/// </summary>
class Class1
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main(string[] args)
var demo = new Demo();