Source Preview Handler
The source preview handler displays a preview of the selected source file in SmartFTP, Windows Explorer and Microsoft Outlook.
SmartFTP can display a preview in both the Local Browser and the Remote Browser.
The source preview handler is also used if the preview pane in Windows Explorer is enabled.
The following file types are supported:- ActionScript (.as, .mx)
- ASP (.asp)
- ASPX (.aspx)
- Assembler (.asm)
- ASN1 (.mib)
- AviSynth (.avs, .avsi)
- AutoIt (.au3)
- Bash (.sh, .bsh)
- Batch (.bat, .cmd)
- Cobol (.cbl, .cbd, .cdb, .cdc, .cob)
- Caml (.ml, .mli, .sml, .thy)
- C (.c)
- C++ (.cpp, .cxx, ,.cc, .h, .hxx, .rgs)
- C# (.cs)
- CSS (.css)
- D (.d)
- Diff (.diff, .patch)
- Erlang (.erl, .hrl)
- Escript (.src, .em)
- Forth (.forth)
- Fortran (.f, .for, .f90, .f95, .f2k, .f23)
- Fortran77 (.f77)
- FreeBASIC (.bas, .bi)
- GDScript (.gd)
- Haskell (.hs, .lhs, .las)
- Ini (.ini, .inf, .reg, .url)
- Inno Setup (.iss)
- Java (.java)
- JavaScript (.js)
- JavaServer Pages (.jsp)
- JSON (.json)
- JSON5 (.json5, .jsonc)
- Lisp (.lsp, .lisp)
- Makefile (.mak)
- Matlab (.m)
- NFO (.nfo)
- NSIS (.nsi, .nsh)
- Objective-C (.mm)
- Pascal (.pas, .inc)
- PureBasic (.pb)
- Perl (.pl, .pm, .plx)
- PHP (.php, .php3, .phtml)
- Postscript (.ps)
- PowerShell (.ps1, .psd1, .psm1)
- Python (.py, .pyw)
- R (.r)
- Rebol (.reb, .r2, .r3)
- Registry (.reg)
- Resource (.rc)
- Ruby (.rb, .rbw)
- Rust (.rs)
- Spice (.scp, .out)
- Smalltalk (.st)
- Swift (.swift)
- TeX (.tex)
- Typescript (.ts, .tsx)
- SQL (.sql)
- VB (.vb, .vba)
- VBScript (.vbs)
- Verilog (.v, .sv, .vh, .svh)
- XML (.xml, .xsd, .xsml, xsl, .kml)