القاعدة المعرفية
Transfer Queue File Logger
File Format
The file format and escaping is based on RFC 4180 - Common Format and MIME Type for Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files.
- Fields should always be separated with a comma
- Each record is located on a separate line, delimited by a line break (CRLF).
- Fields containing commas or double-quotes are enclosed in double-quotes.
- If double-quotes are used to enclose fields, then a double-quote appearing inside a field is escaped by preceding it with another double quote.
Log File Name
The file name depends on the Rollover Schedule option:
Option | Format | Example |
Hourly | yyyymmddhh-sessionId.cvs | 2014052905-1.cvs |
Daily | yyyymmdd-sessionId.cvs | 20140529-1.cvs |
Weekly | yyyyww-sessionId.cvs | 201421-1.cvs |
Monthly | yyyymm-sessionId.cvs | 201405-1.cvs |
SessionId: 0 (Background session), 1 (Interactive session)
See KB: Transfer Queue Item Variables
For performance reasons, writes to the log file are buffered by the operating system. The buffer is flushed in the following situations:
- When the transfer queue completes
- When the transfer queue is stopped
- Other events triggered by the operating system
مقالات ذات علاقة Email Notifications
Transfer Queue Item Fields
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