القاعدة المعرفية


مقالة 190



The goal is to synchronize (one way) local files with remote files and vice verse.

SmartFTP allows you to control the action taken when files with the same name are synchronized. If the hash values of both files are available and the values are not equal, the destination file is replaced with the source file. If the hash values are unavailable, the file exist rules will be used. With the default rules, the destination file is replaced if the file size is not equal or if the last modified date of the source file is newer than the destination file. To modify the default file exist rules, see the KB: File Exist Rules article.

Synchronization Methods

Two synchronization methods are supported:

  • One Way Synchronization (Default)
    All files/folders from the source will be transferred to the destination. No files will be deleted on the destination.
  • One Way Synchronization with Delete
    All files/folders from the source will be transferred to the destination. Files/folders in the destination which do not exist in the source will be deleted (on the destination).

To change the synchronization method:

  1. Stop the Transfer Queue
  2. Right-click the the transfer in the Transfer Queue
  3. Select Properties from the context menu
  4. The Properties dialog opens
  5. Change the Synchronization method


The following example shows how to synchronize the content of a local folder with the content of a remote folder.

Preparation: Settings

  1. Go to the Favorite Properties. See KB: How to edit a favorite
  2. Go to the Transfer - File Exists dialog.
  3. In the File Exist dialog under File Exist Queue you can enable the Integrity Check by checking the option "File exist action based on the comparison between hash values" or edit the File Exist Rules for the selected Favorite.
  4. If the Integrity Check is left unchecked, SmartFTP will use the default File Exist Rules for the synchronization.
  5. From the Favorite Properties dialog menu (on the left side), under the Transfer option select Integrity. Check that the Transfer Integrity option is enabled. The Transfer Integrity is enabled by default as specified on the Default Favorite Settings.
  6. Click on the OK button to save the changes.

Queue Transfer

  1. Stop the Transfer Queue
  2. Connect to the server by opening a new remote browser
  3. Open a Local Browser. Menu: File - Local browser
  4. Select the folder in the local folder which you want to synchronize with the remote folder.
  5. Drag&Drop the folder from the Local Browser to the folder in the Remote Browser.
  6. A new transfer will be added to the Transfer Queue
  7. To change the synchronization method right-click the transfer in the Transfer Queue
  8. Select Properties from the context menu
  9. Change the Synchronization method
  10. Start the Transfer Queue

Tip: You can use the Schedule feature in the queue item properties for recurring synchronizations.

كلمات مفتاحية
synchronization file exist integrity check

مقالات ذات علاقة
icon File Exist dialog on File View/Execute
icon How To schedule a transfer
icon MLST / MLSD
icon XCRC
icon File Exist Rules

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