القاعدة المعرفية

  1. الرئيسية
  2. Client Errors
  3. TLS Error: Credentials

مقالة 12

SSL Error: Credentials

With SmartFTP you can create a self signed client certificate. TLS servers use certificates to determine whether or not they will allow you to connect, the certificate proves the client's legitimacy to the server.

When trying to connect to a TLS server you might encounter the following error:

The credentials supplied were not complete, and could not be verified. Additional information can be returned from the context.


  1. Go to the Favorite properties
  2. Go to the Connection - TLS dialog
  3. Under the Client Certificate click on the Create Cert button and follow the wizard to create a self-signed certificate.
  4. Once completed, select it from the drop down box and click OK to save the changes. You will need to close the remote server window and reconnect back to the server.

كلمات مفتاحية
TLS error TLS credentials cert certificate

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