SmartFTP does not display Files/Folders on Remote Host

Recently SmartFTP has stopped displaying any file/folder on the host I'm connected to. It had been working fine for more than two years (with all the updates included) but now all of a sudden it stopped displaying files & folders on the remote host. I didn't even update it!!

I have tried enabling/disabling many settings but to no avail. I can't think of any trigger that might have caused this, it just started happening suddenly. I'm not sure, but I might have changed some settings, but even then I've reverted to original settings many times.

I must be missing something very small somewhere, just can't recognize it. Can someone please help me out here.


Is it okay with other FTP clients? If not, then it might be the site. Did the hosting company change something that you are not aware of?

If you can display with another client, then it would be local to you. Try typing in the site/user/pw again. Try SmartFTP on another PC to see if you can isolate it your PC.

Try to reinstall SmartFTP.

Try to use the DEV build.

Well, I am all out of ideas for now.

I forgot to mention that all other FTP clients are fine with finding all files/folders on the host. Also, SmartFTP connects fine with the host, with correct userid/pswd combination. It's only that I can't see any files or directory structure in SmartFTP. If I type in the directory path manually, it even cd's to that directory, but doesn't list any files!!

The fact that all other FTP clients are fine, is what makes me guess that it must be me who did something or one of the settings in SmartFTP that might have caused it. The problem is, I can't figure out what could've caused this or which setting might have triggered it.


Hello ...

Please post the raw directory listing of the folder and the ftp session log. To get the raw directory listing, right-click on the folder and then select "Show Raw Listing" from the context menu.

Thank you.

Here's the session log for one session:

SmartFTP v1.5.988.20
Resolving host name "hdndev"
Connecting to Port: 21
Connected to hdndev.
220 hdndev FTP server (Version 4.1 Thu Sep 12 23:46:23 CDT 2002) ready.
USER hdnmstr
331 Password required for hdnmstr.
PASS (hidden)
230-Last unsuccessful login: Fri Aug 5 11:07:58 EDT 2005 on ftp from hdnprod
230-Last login: Fri Aug 5 14:39:55 EDT 2005 on ftp from
230 User hdnmstr logged in.
215 UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-44
500 'FEAT': command not understood.
200 Type set to I.
350 Restarting at 0 Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer.
257 "/home/hdnmstr" is current directory.
CWD /neon/impact/cnet
250 CWD command successful.
257 "/neon/impact/cnet" is current directory.
PORT 142,20,196,169,15,22
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls.
226 Transfer complete.
0 bytes transferred. (0 bytes/s) (46 ms)

When I right-click to "Show Raw Listing", it opens an empty file, named 'sf<***>.tmp' in Notepad. The file contains nothing. Which would mean that it didn't get anything in listing the directory.


Hi, try to disable laLT settings on transfer->listing.

Thank you so very much!!!

It did the trick!! I just selected "Show All Files (-a)" and unselected the rest, and voila, I'm back in business!!

Thanks again. I must have changed this option when playing around with different settings. I've learnt a hard lesson :-(
