How do I See who's Direct Linking to my stuff?

How do I See who's Direct Linking to my stuff? Please help me X.x;

HI there Kit. That's not an ftp thing - do you mean what sites are linking to yours? Or do you mean hotlinking - as in linking directly to images and sucking your bandwidth etc? Either way, your stats proggie should give you a good indication of both. If places are sucking your bandwidth then you should put some .htaccess in there to send those leeches someplace else - they're fun to play with :wink:

how do you get a ".htaccess" ? I'm new at this...but I have a feeling some people are direct linking my fanlisting codes. :?

.htaccess is a file that you create and put on your server to protect it from hotlinking etc. Usually it's photos that people will hotlink. eg. jpg or gif files. to create a .htaccess file, open up notepad, type in the following (substituting your info, and if you don't have an extra domain, just remove those lines). Save the file as .htaccess (not .htaccess.txt) to do that in the save as box put ".htaccess" and hit save or ok or whatever it is. Then upload the file to your server using ascii mode or it won't work. test it out by trying to hotlink to one of your pics yourself - type in the pic's url in the browser. You should be redirected to whereever you're sending them to. Also, make sure not to put in any unnecessary spaces or it could stuff it up as well. I recommend making up a dummy test folder to put the .htaccess file in first to test it out. Once it's working ok then put it in the folder you want it to protect. There's heaps of .htaccess tutorials out there as well, just do a search for it.

----------------------------- start copy/paste here ---------------------
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^ [NC]
RewriteRule .*[Jj][Pp][Gg]$|.*[Gg][Ii][Ff]$ [R,L]
-------------------------- end here ---------------------------------------

you can use .htaccess for lots of things - don't want to turn this into a whole tutorial as there's plenty around.

I'm not sure if that helps you, I'm not sure what your fanlisting codes are??

oops - left an ip address in that.. just take it out..