530 authentication failed

Hello, someone help please I am trying to log in and this is the message i keep getting - 530 authentication failed
user name and password are correct I have a firewall running but i have turned it off and it still doesnt work.

Post the section of the log please.

(Double check:
- Are you logging into the site you want to be logging into?
- Is your userID the right one for that site
- Is your password correct (remembering that they're usually CaSe SeNsItIve
- Do you have the rights to log into the site you wish to log in to?)



i do not know which host address i should be putting in i know my login and password are right but not sure about the host name

The host name often takes the form ftp.xxxx.com. when you were given your login details you should have been given either the hostname or the host IP address (you can use either). If you haven't got that then contact the admin who gave you your login details and you should be in luck.