The file size is different when uploaded to server.

I have a web page at yahoo geocities and when I try to upload an asf or asx file of about 10 MB everything seems to go OK, but when I get to my file manager, the file is about 500 Kb bigger.
And when I try to download it with my browser by right click and "save target as" it downloads about 300 KB of it and then it says "done".

My connection is 56 modem dial up, I have auto and passive mode enabled and I use the direct upload like the tutorial describes.
I dont know what I m doing wrong.

500Mb!!! Jeepers Creepers! At 56k???

I would expect Geocities imposes a limit on the total size of files uploaded - perhaps 10Mb?


Ooops.. I said 500 MB while I meant 500 Kb.
Geoshities dont let us upload up to 5 MB. That s a bad thing.
Anyway, the problem isnt actually the file size. How can someone
download it from my site using his/her browser without stopping after
having downloaded 300 Kb?? That is my problem.
Is there any solution
to that? Does it have to do with the carriage return? Or using the same time option? Or is it what people call a bug?
Helping me on that you will save a person from madness.

Would a change of provider would do the trick? There are around 20 readily findable free hosters most of whom have fewer restictions that Geocities and some (well 1 or 2!!) will even let you do PHP, MySQL, Java or WHY.

I have wasted many hours searching for web page+video hosters.
I didnt have any luck. I dont have any programing knowledge of java or html so geocities suited me for the reason that you can build your page in minutes.
I didn't realise the ftp problems I was going to deal with, because most sites use ftp and promote it. I thought it was something helpful and good.
So does your suggesting me other sites mean that my problem is unsolved?

Let's just check this through...

You upload a file wish SmartFTP. If you dowload it again with SmartFTP does it come back correctly (ie uncorrupted)?

If it does, then perhaps you could check with Geocities for any transfer limits (other than their n Gb per month).

WRT the difficulties of building a site, there are several companies (I think eg NetFirms and Portland do this) that will allow you to scrape your Geocities site over to their servers - though of course the name will change - so you could use their pagebuilder AND use another host.