Can't see a directory


I have a small problem. When i'm trying to connect wih SmartFTP to my website, i get this at work:

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
Then it stops more then 30 seconds, so
Server Timeout
I reconnect, know it goes trough, i get a Transfer Complete. But i can't see any maps on my site. Its on al pc's of this network. But at the pc at home, theirs no problem....

Anyone an idea :?

What you are getting is due to a firewall at work preventing replies on closed ports. The way FTP works, is that the server listens to requests on port 21, but then responds to random ports over 1024. That random port is being blocked at your work. At the moment of connection, you are communicating on port 21 which is the command port reserved for FTP. But when you go to list the files, that drops into the data port, which is sent out of the FTP server's port 20 to any of your incoming ports over 1024. This is where the problem is as most companies block traffic on random ports.

Since you are the FTP admin of your own site, you need to run it in Passive mode (PASV). That way, your FTP client at work makes both connections (to and from the server).

So, do 2 things. Change your home FTP server to run in Passive mode, and change SmartFTP at work to equally run in Passive mode. Tools - Settings - Connection - Data Connection - Mode - Passive Mode

Good luck.