530 Login failure

ok so first of all... on the address space... can you just make up whatever name of a page you want or is there some kind of request you have to make for it? and then when i try to connect, it gives me this...

Resolving host name amari.com...
Connecting to (amari.com) -> IP: PORT: 21
Connected to (amari.com) -> Time = 120ms
Socket connected waiting for login sequence.
220 web1-server Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0).
USER silverband22
331 Password required for silverband22.
PASS (hidden)
530 User silverband22 cannot log in.
Cannot login waiting to retry (15s)...

does this mean i have to unhide my password, and if so, how do i do that? please someone help.....URGENT!

hey, i'm having the very same problem. wtf, the password that i originally put in is not the same one apparently. how do I change the password?

Please take a look at the following KB article:

By the way, User Name / Passwords are handled by
the Admin. of the FTP server, if you wish to change it.