downloading smartftp starts slow then times out

ahhh for the last month i haven't been able to download the latest build of smartftp because the ftp sites are jammed up. i start off going 10kb/s then it slowly decreases over a 5 minute period until it says transfer failed or times out or something.

i know i really shouldn't be complaining about it cause it is free software but i really hope u guys can find someone to donate some bandwidth to you so u can setup some mirrors would be awsome. i love smart ftp and it annoys me that i can't download it at all :-(

if anyone else has this problem please post here

yep same slow speed accompanied by a timeout. i guess the ftp for files and the website are the same server also since it seems to slow down when i'm downloading. Btw most its likely not my connection as i don't get this with other sites and my cable is capable of 10mbits down 1mbits up.

i did a trace route to your website... here is where i most of the time run into problems.

10 <10 ms 15 ms 16 ms []
11 <10 ms 16 ms 15 ms []
12 579 ms 562 ms 578 ms []
13 547 ms 578 ms 562 ms []
14 578 ms 625 ms 610 ms []
15 625 ms 594 ms 594 ms
16 547 ms 563 ms 562 ms []

maybe that will help if its a routing issue. if u need me to post more of it i'll be more than glad to.

I see no problems at all.

The problem is very likely with the connectivity from your isp to sunrise or vice versa.

Nothing we can do about. Sorry.