Global Queue Basics


I'm having problems using Global Queue. I presume a connection to the server is required before activating Global Queue?

I've managed to set the destination folder and drag/drop files into the queue, but after I click the start button in the Name column, I get a "Zz" icon with "waiting to retry" in the Status column.

Is there something I'm doing wrong? In advance, thanks


Are you getting this while you're connected to the server? If so, I don't know enough about the queue to explain your problem.

But if you're not connected to the server when you hit the play button then the 'waiting to retry' notice is just telling you that SmartFTP can't connect to the server but it will keep retrying at whatever rate you set (Tools > Settings > Connection tab). The zzzz is just because it's snoozing while it retries.

You can also find out what the problem is, by right-clicking on the queue item and selecting the "Show Log" option.