Advice about backing up.

I have just used SmartFTP to backup my board ready to install a couple of board mods.

It's taken me several hours to download everything into the backup folders.

Can anyone please tell me how to keep the backups up to date.
For example, when there are so many messages, in future how do I know which ones are not backed up yet.

Is it possible to sort the files by date? Though that wouldn't help with members when they are listed in alphebetical order?

Also I presume I'd save the backup to a cd in case something happens to the computer.
Do I need to save to a new cd everytime I update my backup?

Thanks, Annie.

I too would like to know the answer to this question - can it be done ???

How do you download only the files that have changed? 8O

This sounds like something that would require a synchronization feature. Unfortunately, SmartFTP does not have such a feature. Feel free to make an Enhancement Request