Uploding files

Does anyone know how long it takes for uploaded files to be live on the web?

Uploaded files (e.g. via FTP) are immediately available on the Internet (e.g. via HTTP), so it takes no time. You may just need to flush any browser caches (Shift+Reload).

Uploaded files (e.g. via FTP) are immediately available on the OInternet (e.g. via HTTP), so it takes no time. You may just need to flush any browser caches (Shift+Reload).

Thanks for that, except I 'm not online yet and wonder if any connection has been made; error message=

[22:49:43] 200 NOOP command successful.
[22:50:31] 421 No Transfer Timeout (300 seconds): closing control connection.
[22:50:31] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
[22:50:31] Client closed the connection.

This is as far as I get.

The connection was made but then timed out as you did not perform any actions (e.g. transfer files).